
zhtw.org 2023-07-04 真是熱的天氣

Congratulations! 登入系統 Login ; Administrator Edit document and config system ed the Base Grav Package that provides a simple page and the default Quark theme to get you started.

If you see a 404 Error when you click Typography in the menu, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

人生沒啥目的,只是活著而已。 注重當下過去不用太在意,未來還沒發生不用提早擔心。

  • Learn about Grav by checking out our dedicated Learn Grav site.
  • Download plugins, themes, as well as other Grav skeleton packages from the Grav Downloads page.
  • Check out our Grav Development Blog to find out the latest goings on in the Grav-verse.

If you want a more full-featured base install, you should check out Skeleton packages available in the downloads.

Edit this Page

To edit this page, simply navigate to the folder you installed Grav into, and then browse to the user/pages/01.home folder and open the default.md file in your editor of choice. You will see the content of this page in Markdown format.

Create a New Page

Creating a new page is a simple affair in Grav. Simply follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to your pages folder: user/pages/ and create a new folder. In this example, we will use explicit default ordering and call the folder 03.mypage.

  2. Launch your text editor and paste in the following sample code:

    title: My New Page
    # My New Page!
    This is the body of **my new page** and I can easily use _Markdown_ syntax here.
  3. Save this file in the user/pages/03.mypage/ folder as default.md. This will tell Grav to render the page using the default template.

  4. That is it! Reload your browser to see your new page in the menu.

NOTE: The page will automatically show up in the Menu after the "Typography" menu item. If you wish to change the name that shows up in the Menu, simple add: menu: My Page between the dashes in the page content. This is called the YAML front matter, and it is where you configure page-specific options.

Details on the full capabilities of Spectre.css can be found in the Official Spectre Documentation

The Quark theme is the new default theme for Grav built with Spectre.css the lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. Spectre provides basic styles for typography, elements, and a responsive layout system that utilizes best practices and consistent language design.


H1 Heading 40px

H2 Heading 32px

H3 Heading 28px

H4 Heading 24px

H5 Heading 20px
H6 Heading 16px
# H1 Heading
# H1 Heading `40px`</small>`

<span class="h1">H1 Heading</span>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent risus leo, dictum in vehicula sit amet, feugiat tempus tellus. Duis quis sodales risus. Etiam euismod ornare consequat.

Climb leg rub face on everything give attitude nap all day for under the bed. Chase mice attack feet but rub face on everything hopped up on goofballs.

Markdown Semantic Text Elements

Bold **Bold**

Italic _Italic_

Deleted ~~Deleted~~

Inline Code `Inline Code`

HTML Semantic Text Elements

I18N <abbr>

Citation <cite>

Ctrl + S <kbd>

TextSuperscripted <sup>

TextSubscripted <sub>

Underlined <u>

Highlighted <mark>


x = y + 2 <var>


The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.

- Bill Gates

> The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it,
> so it's part of everyday life.
> <cite>- Bill Gates</cite>

Unordered List

  • list item 1
  • list item 2
    • list item 2.1
    • list item 2.2
    • list item 2.3
  • list item 3
* list item 1
* list item 2
    * list item 2.1
    * list item 2.2
    * list item 2.3
* list item 3

Ordered List

  1. list item 1
  2. list item 2
    1. list item 2.1
    2. list item 2.2
    3. list item 2.3
  3. list item 3
1. list item 1
1. list item 2
    1. list item 2.1
    1. list item 2.2
    1. list item 2.3
1. list item 3


Name Genre Release date
The Shawshank Redemption Crime, Drama 14 October 1994
The Godfather Crime, Drama 24 March 1972
Schindler's List Biography, Drama, History 4 February 1994
Se7en Crime, Drama, Mystery 22 September 1995
| Name                        | Genre                         | Release date         |
| :-------------------------- | :---------------------------: | -------------------: |
| The Shawshank Redemption    | Crime, Drama                  | 14 October 1994      |
| The Godfather               | Crime, Drama                  | 24 March 1972        |
| Schindler's List            | Biography, Drama, History     | 4 February 1994      |
| Se7en                       | Crime, Drama, Mystery         | 22 September 1995    |


The notices styles are actually provided by the markdown-notices plugin but are useful enough to include here:

This is a warning notification

This is a error notification

This is a default notification

This is a success notification

! This is a warning notification

!! This is a error notification

!!! This is a default notification

!!!! This is a success notification